The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) is helping Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to develop and grow by introducing the new and ground-breaking Go-Digital voucher. This voucher is redeemable at Information Technology Business Development Organizations (IT-BDOs) and will support a variety of technological solutions aimed at transforming businesses. The Go-Digital voucher is an addition to the DBJ’s Voucher for Technical Assistance (VTA) programme.

Go-DIgital Coverage

Businesses can access a GO DIGITAL voucher to transform their business electronically. Vouchers will cover following services, but not limited to, General Business: electronic payroll system, HR applications, customer relations management software, electronic marketing including social media, website development, etc. Business Productivity: video conferencing, electronic records management. It is recommended that MSEs consult with a IT-BDO to determine and agree on the best digital intervention that is needed for the business.

It is recommended that MSEs consult with a IT-BDO to determine and agree on the best digital intervention that is needed for the business.

Go-DIgital Voucher :

Go-Digital Business

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Go-Digital Productivity

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Go-Digital Basic Digital

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Go-Digital Advance Digital

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Go-Digital Plan Digital

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How to Apply?

MSEs with registered businesses operating in Jamaica, with annual sales/revenue up to J$75 million.  Business that employ less than 20 individuals.  The business activities have no adverse effect on the environment.  See application form here.


Go-DIgital's Beneficiaries

Skills That Make a Meaningful Difference for Your Busines

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