DBJ, acting through the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service implemented the Boosting Innovation, Growth and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems (BIGEE) programme in Jamaica which is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank. 


In its effort to support entrepreneurship and innovation, the BIGEE programme has created the PATENT GRANT FUND to support new patentable inventions. 



To support inventions that are novel and has public utility and can be patented. 

The Patent Grant aims to support research and development initiatives and innovations by providing grants to help underwrite the costs that are associated with filing patent applications locally and international. 

Jamaica is replete with inventors, researchers and creative individuals who have developed innovative products and services. What is true, is that not many individuals have sought to commercialize and earn from their inventions. This can be attributed to ignorance and/or the inability to underwrite the cost of the process.

The Patent Grant aims to support research and development initiatives among high potential, high growth, technology and knowledge-based Micro and Small enterprises (MSEs) by providing grants that are to file patent applications locally and international.

DBJ Patent Grant Fund Eligibility


The projects that are eligible for financing by the Patent Grant include:

Patent application fees

To cover drafting and filing, amendments, examiner review

Provisional and non-provisional patent applications

Engaging an approved Patent Attorney to conduct

prefiling search; assessment; drafting and filing, amendments; and preparing other miscellaneous documents


Methods for performing Mental acts and Mathematical Algorithms or formulas,

Naturally occurring things,

Scientific principles,


Rules and playing games

Methods doing business

Programs for computers

Business Methods


DBJ Patent Grant Fund Details

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