


Our Genesis

BIGEE – Boosting Innovation Growth & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

BIGEE – Boosting Innovation Growth & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem – is the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) five-year project valued at US$25 million and financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) is the Executing Agency. The Agreement – GOJ and the IDB was signed late 2019, but was delayed with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. The objective of BIGEE is to promote sustainable and robust growth among startups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jamaica.

The DBJ, a wholly owned institutions of the GOJ has assumed a catalytic role for initiatives that have significantly impacted MSME development over the years; this makes the institution a good fit to successfully implement the GOJ and IDB’s vision for the project.

The BIGEE project is US$25M project that will be executed over 5 years from Sept 2020 to March 2025, with the objective of to promoting sustainable and robust growth among startups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jamaica.

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The Development Bank of Jamaica

The Development Bank of Jamaica is a wholly owned Government company created in 2000 as a result of mergers with other development-related institutions that included the Agricultural Credit Bank of Jamaica, the National Development Bank of Jamaica and, in 2006, the National Investment Bank of Jamaica.

The DBJ provides, to all levels of Jamaican entrepreneurs, a range of services that includes:

  • Access to low-cost financing (available through its network of Approved Financial Institutions and Micro Finance Institutions)
  • A partial loan guarantee
  • Renewable energy solutions
  • Technical assistance and capacity development solutions
  • Private equity and venture capital support; and
  • Opportunities to broaden the entrepreneurship and ownership base of the country via privatisation services and public-private partnership options

The DBJ facilitates economic growth and development across all sectors and includes all Jamaicans, regardless of socio-economic strata, in its quest to meet the Vision 2030 goal of making Jamaica “the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.”


In 2019, the Government of Jamaica (GOJ) signed a US$25 million loan agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to develop a robust and sustained entrepreneurial and early stage ecosystems, dubbed BIGEE – Boosting Innovation Growth & Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.  The DBJ was appointed Executing Agency for this game-changing initiative which promises to transformed MSME sectors.  BIGEE provides products and services for all stages of the Business Lifecycle as follows:

  • Start-up
  • Scale-up
  • Established Businesses
We are committed to ensuring that Jamaica in 2025 will have a robust and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem, and that we will be on the verge of having our own unicorn”.
Christopher Brown, Project Manager, BIGEE

Our Strategic Plan


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We are committed to ensuring that Jamaica in 2025 will have a robust and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem, and that we will be on the verge of having our own unicorn”.
Christopher Brown, Project Manager, BIGEE

Years In Review

A Year Of Change

A Year Of Change

Years In Review

A Year Of Change

A Year Of Change

Years In Review